+43 699 1727 0424 mat@mathewdocherty.com
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Transform your life and find your true path!

Through Yoga, Meditation and Mindfulness discover inner peace, reduce stress, and enhance your well-being!


be conscious, be better…

Life often seems too complicated and can be overwhelming at times. We need tools that allow us to master life when it is bad and enjoy it when it is good. We need to learn where our boundaries are, how to go beyond them, and how to open up to new possibilities in mind, body and in spirit.


Start your journey to redefine what you believe to be possible…

Corporate Yoga & Acute Stress Management (ASM)

Workplace stress and its symptoms cost companies millions every year and ruin the lives of those affected. Learn how to recognise when you are stressed and which empirically proven techniques to use in order to significantly improve your reaction to it, therefore,  living a better life.

Positive Affirmations | Breath Work  | Conscious Activities | Relaxation Techniques

Yoga is an individual journey into oneself. It is from within that the mind is quitened; by restraining the senses and removing expectations a window of peace can be found. This is the goal of Yoga.

Mindfulness is a state of heightened awareness and deliberate focus on the present moment. It is a way of relating to life which can lead to reduction of suffering and enhance our daily experiences. It allows for more meaningful interactions and relationships and is cultivated by a practice of consciously paying attention to the present moment through simple  practices, such as breath work, body perception, and meditation.

My Story

Since 2001

Trained in the Himalayas

I have been practising Yoga for over two decades. I recently  refreshed my skills in the Nepalese Himalayas at the Nepal Yoga Academy where I spent months learning and teaching Yoga and living a full Yogi lifestyle.

My journey has not been easy, but whose has! However, my practice of yoga, mindfulness and spirituality has allowed me to overcome addiction, find my purpose in life and finally be happy.


MindMastery Transformation

Unleash Your Full Potential

What if there was a way to find out what we really want, what our purpose in life is, and then be able to pursue it? Well, there is, it’s called intuition! Something we are all born with, our gut feeling, but life, our baggage and responsibilities often cloud our ability to listen to it. This system aims to clear the smog of life, lighten the load and remove the interference that prevents our inner guidance system from functioning properly so that we can develop our intuition and find happiness.

Over the years, I have learnt to follow my intuition without interfering. I have allowed it to guide me and so it has become a tool with which I can find my way in life. I have learnt to get out of my own way. I hope that this system, which has emerged from my experiences, can also help you to develop your intuition and find meaning in life. I sincerely wish you the best for your journey and that you always remember to enjoy the not-so-good moments, because they are part of it, for this is how we learn.


“Mat is passionate about the topic and calls on his own life experiences as well as his in-depth knowledge of the topic.”

Lorraine – Credit Suisse

“The session was interactive and we all left having good tips on how to recognise and manage acute stress at work.”

Credit Suisse

“[MinMastery] is well thought through and takes us below the surface to reflect upon ourselves at a much deeper level.”

“Mat helped me to see what is truly important in life –

thank you sooo much!”


+43 699 1727 0424




Mathew is a qualified Yoga Alliance

Instructor and Mindfullnes Coach

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